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Our partner, Yogin master, will introduce you in an excited and unique experience surrounded by the nature in one of the most beautiful corner of Ischia, overlooking the sea.
Details regarding the experiences
July 2022
a) Intensive Yoga course starting from 9th of July to 24th of July (15 days), € 2800 per person . In the quotation are included : the course and the accommodation in a double room, bed and breakfast formula.
In case you want to add half board it will be add € 20 per person per day.
b) Intensive Supyoga course from the 10th of July to the 17th of July (7 days), € 1200 per person. In the quotation are include : the course and the accommodation in a double room, bed and breakfast formula.
In case you want to add half board it will be add € 20 per person per day.
October 2022
a) Intensive Yoga course starting from the 1st of October to the 16th of October (15 days), € 2200 per person .
In the quotation are included: the course and the accommodation in a double room, in bed and breakfast formula .
In case you want to add half board it will be add € 20 per person per day.
b) Intensive Supyoga course from the 8th of October to the 16th of October (7 days), € 900 per person.
In the quotation are included : the course and the accommodation in a double room, bed and breakfast formula.
In case you want to add half board it will be add € 20 per person per day.
For additional info or to book , please send an email to maria@damariaischia,it
Da Maria
Tel. +39 081 993275
Whatsapp. +39 3477072894